Wednesday, January 2, 2008

1st Day of Training 2008

Today's training was a great start to the new year even though the team was minus a few players. It was just Max and Allison on the hill today training GS on Bunny Buster. The temperatures were dropping but the snow conditions were perfect for our first official day back on the hill. Today's practice was in preparation for this weekends competition at Pico. It is the official start of the Central Vermont Series and there will be a slalom and gs race held there on Sunday. A reminder to all... we will be registering 'day of' for the competitions, so make sure to bring cash or a check, along with your USASA membership card or number. Plan on bringing/riding your speed boards the rest of the week and don't forget to have your boards race ready(sharpened and waxed) for the comp on Sunday. More gates tomorrow and colder temperatures... so dress accordingly!

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