Official photographer Sam H. rolled up to the rail setup on Down Draft- a wide down bar followed by a kink box set up on a flat, with rider's choice of a slightly down bar or a slightly down box as the last feature. Will S. turned up the heat in practice with 4 tries at his new trick- backside approach to a frontside 180 to 50-50 bs 180 out. On the fifth attempt, a colossal wind-stealing crash sent our hero sprawling, but not for too long.
While he recovered his air, team mates Peter C. and Dan C. showed up to practice as well. Peter was getting so close to the front lip pretzel out and was putting on a spin show on the boxes. Qualifiers were a 2 run format, with the top 10 riders advancing. Dan sketched on both runs, but landed a trick he was after. Peter put down 2 solid runs, including his pretzel out, but didn't make the finals.
Will was feeling good after his safety run, and threw down the new trick! 180 on to 180 off, followed by a nose to tail press on the kinked box, fs 50-50 fs 360 out on the last rail!! Epic run! Unfortunately for his finals hopes, the competition was too fierce as he was competing against older riders who were throwing down some filthy nasty tricks. bs 360 on to fs 360 off? Who does that? The winner, that's who.
But, don't despair, KWSC/KMS Snowboard Team Member Will S. was awarded the "Mini Shred" award for the day and brought home a Pumpkin Pie, some new shades and a Monster sweatshirt.

See you on the hill,
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