It has begun- Killington spun out the K-1 and North Ridge triple yesterday for the first time of the season! Reports are that conditions were great for November 2nd. Looks like we're off to a great start!
After a great meeting on Sunday, Coach Evan and I have come up with a little more defined philosophy that we'll use to approach training this season. Of course there's a lot more to it than this short list, but here's our pledge to the athletes we'll be training this season.
KMS/KWSC Snowboard Coaching Philosophy
Multi-D Approach: Repeating the same moves on the same terrain is repetitive and can slow real progress. KMS and KWSC athletes will train using a multidimensional approach- not just riding rails, jumps and halfpipe. Riders will explore movements for effective riding all over the mountain and bring them back to the proper venue. By practicing these movements in safe and varied terrain, they will master them before committing to metal or air, leading to greater success. This approach will be used both on and off snow. Skateboarding, climbing, yoga, trampolines, core training and other movement based activity will improve the strength and balance skills necessary to propel riders to the next level.

(Picture above: Coach KC shows a group how to start frontside spins on the snow. Once they mastered the movements here, we took it to snow on our boards, then jumps, pipe, rails. Success and Safety! Yes, Coach KC will be wearing this rad jacket this season...)
Movement Based Feedback: Coaches should help riders improve physically, affectively and cognitively. Period. For the physical piece, KMS/KWSC Coaches will focus on “how” riders need to move to improve, not “what” they need to do. Body movements will be tied to specific snowboard outcomes. For example, good coaching for a pipe rider might be “You need to pump that transition on your frontside wall more to carry more speed.” KMS/KWSC coaching will include “Try pushing your board away from your hips by extending both legs as you enter the transition, like this (followed by a demonstration).” Body movement coaching is the key to progression.
Feedback Delivery in Methods that Athletes Understand: KMS/KWSC Coaches will work to understand how each individual athlete learns and will strive to deliver coaching that suits each rider’s learning style. Some riders need soft and encouraging words. Some riders must see an example of how the move needs to happen. Some athletes learn better when they are pressed and pressured. We’ll assess each individual’s learning style and use it so that riders will see more progression, faster.
The Consummate Pro Athlete: Being a professional snowboarder is not just about competition snowboarding. KMS/KWSC athletes will also be coached in filming, sponsor relations, event choice, product placement and snowboard industry issues.
Team: Synergy is real; teamwork benefits all team members. This theory applies not only in snowboarding, but the entire KMS/KWSC community. We’ll train together, hang out together and travel together. The more support the better!
Success through Accomplishing Realistic Attainable and Measureable Goals: Not all KMS/KWSC athletes will choose to compete in contests, but regardless of this decision, success should be measured by accomplishing goals. KMS/KWSC Coaches will work with riders to establish realistic, attainable and measureable goals and a training plan to accomplish those goals. These goals will be re-accessed often to assure progression at an appropriate rate.
We're stoked and ready for the season. Please continue to check the calendar for updates and this blog for rad pictures and commentary.
See you on the snow,
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