Monday, November 22, 2010
Study Hall
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Loaded Turkey
Official photographer Sam H. rolled up to the rail setup on Down Draft- a wide down bar followed by a kink box set up on a flat, with rider's choice of a slightly down bar or a slightly down box as the last feature. Will S. turned up the heat in practice with 4 tries at his new trick- backside approach to a frontside 180 to 50-50 bs 180 out. On the fifth attempt, a colossal wind-stealing crash sent our hero sprawling, but not for too long.
While he recovered his air, team mates Peter C. and Dan C. showed up to practice as well. Peter was getting so close to the front lip pretzel out and was putting on a spin show on the boxes. Qualifiers were a 2 run format, with the top 10 riders advancing. Dan sketched on both runs, but landed a trick he was after. Peter put down 2 solid runs, including his pretzel out, but didn't make the finals.
Will was feeling good after his safety run, and threw down the new trick! 180 on to 180 off, followed by a nose to tail press on the kinked box, fs 50-50 fs 360 out on the last rail!! Epic run! Unfortunately for his finals hopes, the competition was too fierce as he was competing against older riders who were throwing down some filthy nasty tricks. bs 360 on to fs 360 off? Who does that? The winner, that's who.
But, don't despair, KWSC/KMS Snowboard Team Member Will S. was awarded the "Mini Shred" award for the day and brought home a Pumpkin Pie, some new shades and a Monster sweatshirt.

See you on the hill,
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Another Friday in the Books
Will S. and Coach Evan trained hard in the early season park for the Loaded Turkey Rail jam this Sunday. They dialed in the approaches, takeoffs, moves and landings and developed a strategy for the comp on Sunday. It ended after Will had hiked the rails 40+ times and couldn't stand anymore. He is stoked for Sunday!!!
Coach KC and Sam H. made laps getting ready for the 1st GS of the year- 12/18 at Bromley. The theme of the morning: look-ups. We looked uphill when moving onto our heel edge to prevent the shoulders from turning downhill and helping the tail of the board skid around the top of the heel turn (read: slow you down). The afternoon was spent refining using a flat base in transitions between turns. Sam is going to kill it on the race course this year! Sam and I ended the afternoon with a new gondola walkway speed record: 4 minutes and 19 seconds from the northridge lift to the inside of the gondola car. we may not break it this year as top-to-bottom riding begins today!!!
Good luck to Conner and Coach Evan who leave for Colorado today. They'll be back with us in December. Shred some for us guys!
See you on the hill,
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Loaded Turkey Rail Jam on Sunday 11/21

Get ready y'all, the first Jam of the year!! Pre-registration is the best bet if you'd like to compete (please email me a note if you'll be competing). For KWSC/KMS riders that will enter, we'll meet at the Club at the normal time 8:30 on Sunday Morning. We'll check-in at 9:00 and roll up to the park together to scope the course and practice. The official schedule is below.
Coach Evan will be in Colorado with Conner (we're all jealous fellas!) so it'll be me in your corner on Sunday!!!
Let's shred!

Loaded Turkey Railjam
This year, we’re kicking off the season with a rail jam, good ol’
Thanksgiving style…That’s right, with a turkey as the grand prize along
with all the fixings for second and third place winners.
This event will be held in our early-season terrain park and is open to
skiers and riders of all ages. Competitors will throw down in qualifiers
to advance to the finals, where the top female and male skiers and
riders will battle it out for a turkey and FREE entry into the 2010
Rails 2 Riches rail jam! Plus, our sponsors will be hooking up all the
winners with sweet prizes.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Early season terrain park
Pre-registration is now open to skiers and riders. The cost will be $15 for all
divisions. Due to the location of the event, competitors will be
required to have a season pass/lift ticket in order to compete - a $35
discounted lift tickets will be available for competitors to purchase.
All participants of the Loaded Turkey Rail Jam must fill out an Express
Assumption of Risk form, save time and fill yours out now. If you are
under 18, you will need a parent /guardian to sign your form.
Express Assumption of Risk form
For this competition, all competitors are required to wear helmets.
9:00-10:00 a.m. Registration / check-in, 3rd floor of the K-1 Lodge
9:00-10:45 a.m. Practice
10:45 a.m. Athlete meeting at top of venue
11:00-12:00 p.m. Skier qualifiers
12:15-12:30 p.m. Rider practice - one lap only
12:30-1:30 p.m. Rider qualifiers
1:45-2:00 p.m. Finals practice
2:00-2:30 p.m. Final rail jam (skiers and riders)
2:45-3:00 p.m. Awards
*All times are subject to change
* Female Skier
* Male Skier
* Female Rider
* Male Rider
In each of the four divisions, top place competitors will receive:
1st Place Turkey and prizes from our sponsors
FREE entry into Rails 2 Riches on December 11, 2010
2nd Place Box of stuffing and prizes from our sponsors
3rd Place Cranberry Sauce and prizes from our sponsors
Additionally, the judges will select one skier and one rider to receive the “Mini Shredder” award.
When | Sun Nov 21, 2010 |
Where | Killington (map) |
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Friday 11/12/2010
Sam Hayden represented the Elite Team in the AM and we mixed freeriding with race training. The word of the day: Power Position. Two words, I know...but we worked hard to get over the tail of the board on heelside to prevent sketches and speed-robbing skids. Sam did great!
In the afternoon, Conner joined us and Coach Evan had the fellas focus on aerial grabs- nose, tail, indy, stalefish. Great success, despite the early appearance of Tindys and tailfishes.
The day finished with a serious lower body workout for Conner in the gym.
Sunday looks like it'll be beautiful again, and perhaps a bit more crowded on the hill...we'll stay flexible on the day's focus and try to stay away from the crowds.
First USASA races of the season are coming up! Bromley hosts a GS on Saturday 12/18!!!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
First day of the Three Day program
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
It's on. It's so on.
KMS/KWSC Snowboard Coaching Philosophy

Success through Accomplishing Realistic Attainable and Measureable Goals: Not all KMS/KWSC athletes will choose to compete in contests, but regardless of this decision, success should be measured by accomplishing goals. KMS/KWSC Coaches will work with riders to establish realistic, attainable and measureable goals and a training plan to accomplish those goals. These goals will be re-accessed often to assure progression at an appropriate rate.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Winter is Coming!