The team was happy to back at it after a long holiday break. With conditions being their finest, the mountain did not disappoint anyone either. Monday was a bluebird day with tons of new terrain for the Wisco's to discover. The team trained mainly in the Stash park but also ventured around the rest of the mountain to see what else Killington had to offer. The team also spent some quality time with photographer Justin Cash on Tuesday and Wednesday . The photo shoot started in the Mouse Run park but with most shooting taking place in the Stash park. Some of the photo's can be found on
Justin's blog and
Facebooks "Stokelab". Finally, the team discovered the Ram's Head park on Thursday and enjoyed training the remainder of the week on a fun set up that provided a lot of flow similar to the courses they will soon be competing in. Although the jumps will certainly be a lot larger in the Rev Tour and Southern Vermont series. The team has been training in Stash, Mouse Run and Ram's Head parks since Killington's Dreamaker park is scheduled to open next week. The team has been preparing for this weeks first stop of the Revolution Tour at Mount Snow, VT. Followed by the fifth stop of the Volcom Stone's Peanut Butter and Rail Jam at Waterville Valley, NH.

Alex hits the last wall in the Stash park

Mitch going Method on Monday

Alex in the Stash park

Max in the Stash park

Chris rides high on the 1st wall in the Stash park

Freshies in the Stash

Mitch on the big wall

Mitch in the Mouse Run park on Tuesday

Photographer Justin Cash shoots the team in the Stash

Mitch & Alex discover the Ram's Head park
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