Chris waits for his first run during a snow delay
The event should have been called Boreal Hopestyle. California decided to have some unwanted snow during the day which caused numerous delays. At one point the pull start was even moved to the top of the halfpipe and riders had to start their runs down the deck to get enough speed to make it to the first jump on course. Chris got his two runs in because he was in the first heat. Ed was in the second heat which had even more issues with snowfall. The riders could not get enough speed and the judges had very poor visibility on the course. The officials ended up canceling the entire slopestyle competition because of the unfair advantage that early riders had on the latter group. So in the end, the team hopped in the rental car, drove to the Circus Circus parking garage, changed, packed and got ready for the red eye flight home. The team did however have enough time to play in the kiddie arcade and win enough candy to supply next years local Halloween trick or treater's. We were scheduled to leave at 7:45 pm but ended up with another type of delay, flight delay. Which meant we would have a huge rush to deal with when we arrived at LAX to make our connecting flight. We made it with only minutes to spare! Once in New York JFK we encountered another flight delay. We finally arrived in Albany after 11 am, but with a hitch, our luggage went to Atlanta. So we waited an hour till it arrived in Albany and then we were finally on the last leg home to KMS, arrival time 3 pm. The team will be taking a direct flight back from Portland to Boston when it returns from the third Revolution Tour stop in Oregon on February 23rd.
Chris during a practice run
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