Monday, April 12, 2010


Max, Mitch and Alex went all out at USASA Nationals and did well in all their respective events. Some highlights include a 3rd place finish for Mitch in halfpipe and a repeat 2nd place finish for Max in boardercross. It was great ending to a excellent season!

Mitch awaits his first halfpipe run

Alex hikes the pipe during warmups

The crowd gathers for awards on Sunday

Mitch taking home the bronze

Mitch waits his turn at the slope venue on Monday

Max in the gate during Tuesday's semi-final heat

Max takes home silver in the boardercross

Kim Gaines and Christine Feehan at the KMS booth

Max's second giant slalom run

Coach Coates and Max before GS finals

Thursday, April 8, 2010

KMSST Week 19 & 20

The team resumed training after finally recovering from the long travel back from Oregon. We hit up the Dreamaker park, halfpipe, plus a little Stash sprinkled in between. Unfortunately, the weather was not too cooperative, which allowed the boys to revisit the Rutland Bowlerama for final bragging rights on the greasy hardwood.

To wrap up the season - all four boys qualified for USASA Nationals at Copper, CO! We will be traveling for the week long competition beginning April 2nd. Alex qualified for halfpipe, Mitch for slopestyle and halfpipe, Chris boardercross, and Max giant slalom and boardercross. Be sure to check back for results and updates.

Chris Boera

Alex at Bear

Max Elles

Mitch at Bear

Mitch Heberer

The team at the Rutland Bowlerama

Mitch shows some sweet form

Max goes for the spare

Sir Alex gets his strike in the 5th frame

Chris's chance to take the win

And the winner is...

The boys exit the building for the last time